2019.03.21 Location near Seattle, WA, USA
Photo by David Joshua Jennings @roaddiaries

SHIRANUI: World of Woe, the Pure Land #2 不知火 – 苦界浄土 #2

2015.05.23 (Sat): ILLUMINATA Nocturna II: Multimedia Warehouse Masquerade. “SHIRANUI: World of Woe, the Pure Land #2” Kaoru Okumura with Aoi Lee

Photo by Devilish Photo

Second Growth

2016.04.24: Second Growth @ Bemis Arts Biannual Open House.

Photo by Wendy Simons

From the Ground of Sanatorium

2017.01.21: 2017 Hijikata Tatsumi’s memorial in Seattle @ Theatro de la Psychomachia シアトル土方巽逝去記念祭

Orasho – The Prayers of Nagasaki おらしょ

2017.04.09: Seattle International Butoh Festival 2017. Created & performed by Kaoru Okumura with Yukiyo Kawano. Stage Art: “FatMan” by Yukiyo Kawano.

Photo by Bruce Clayton Tom

Garden Performance

2017.08.09:2017-08-26 Bellevue Botanical Garden, Arts in the Garden

Photo by (c) William Alan Photo

Zashiki Watashi Twins 座敷童ズ

Deep Dream, Google AMI

Collaboration with Google Arts and Machine Intelligence. Photo by Christiana Caro, Bruce Clayton Tom.

2016 “Beyond the Metaphors” – Nine Evening 2 Seattle;  Arts and Machine Learning Summit at Google Cultural Institute Paris. Sponsored by Google Art and Culture

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